Reseña de Exposición
Restoration’s function in mass culture: a critique to Luz Renaciente. Imágenes Restauradas (Light reborn. Restored images)
Published 2014-12-05
- restauración,
- arte virreinal,
- difusión
How to Cite
Restoration’s function in mass culture: a critique to Luz Renaciente. Imágenes Restauradas (Light reborn. Restored images). (2014). Intervención, Revista Internacional De Conservación, Restauración Y Museología, 9, 94-97.
This is a review of Luz Renaciente. Imágenes Restauradas (Light reborn. Restored images), a museum exhibition presented in the Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso from May to September, 2013. The critique discusses issues both about the dissemination of conservation-restoration of works of art from the Viceregal period as well as regarding the processes involved in restoring easel paintings, in order to emphasize the analysis of the disciplinary notion of restoration that was implicit in the exhibition.
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