Augmented reality: a new resource in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for museums in the 21st century
Published 2012-06-30
- Augmented reality,
- museums,
- interaction,
- cultural diffusion,
- accessibility
Copyright (c) 2012 Intervención, Revista Internacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museología

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In recent years, augmented reality (ar) has become more and more important in different areas of knowledge, showing the versatility and possibilities that this new technology derived from virtual reality presents. The capacity to insert virtual objects in real space and the development of very simple interfaces, have converted this new technology into one of the most avant-garde museographic resources. This is thanks to the fact that this new technology assists in the interaction between visitors and the cultural object in an attractive and educative way and also helps these spaces fulfill their main function, which is cultural diffusion.
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- Rico, Juan Carlos (coord.) 2009 ¿Cómo se cuelga un cuadro virtual? Las exposiciones en la era digital, Gijón, Trea.
- Wojciechowski, Rafá, et al. 2004 “Building Virtual and Augmented Reality Museum Exhibitions”, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on 3d Web Technology (Web3D ’04), Nueva York,ACM, 135-144.
- Woods, Eric et al. 2004 “Augmenting the Science Centre and Museum Experience”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and South East Asia, Nueva York, acm, 230-236.
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