Número 5, enero-junio, 2012
Book Review

Nationalism as an interpretive axis of the prehispanic object: in search of the origin and reasons that led to the massive restoration of three oaxacan urns excavated during the Porfirio Diaz regime

Laura Filloy Nadal
Museo Nacional de Antropología MNA-Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia INAH

Published 2013-06-11

How to Cite

Nationalism as an interpretive axis of the prehispanic object: in search of the origin and reasons that led to the massive restoration of three oaxacan urns excavated during the Porfirio Diaz regime. (2013). Intervención, Revista Internacional De Conservación, Restauración Y Museología, 5, 63-65. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/intervencion/article/view/66


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  1. Cruz Lara Silva, Adriana
  2. El nacionalismo como eje interpretativo del objeto prehispánico. La restauración de tres urnas zapotecas
  3. de los siglos xix y xx, México, INAH (Conservación y Restauración del Patrimonio. Serie Fundamentos).