No. 1 (2020): Noroeste de México

Retraso en el crecimiento en la Sonora antigua

Published 2021-10-01


  • health, growth, stunting.

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Estimating human health in ancient populations is fraught with complications related to frailty, individual susceptibility, and sample representativeness.   lmpaired growth and development in children (stunting) is a common issue in the developing world and can result from a variety of biological stressors. Here we assess evidence for stunting and address potential etiologies in archaeological samples in Sonora by comparing early foraging- farming (La Playa; circa 2,000-4,000 ybp) and late prehistoric agricultural (El Cementerio; circa 1000-500 ybp) groups.  Juvenile mortality is nearly four-times greater in the El Cementerio sample (56.8%) compared to the La Playa sample (16.2%).  Comparisons of age estimates based on dental versus long bone development identify that stunting was present but a?ected both juvenile mortuary samples di?erently. Eight of the 13 juveniles measured from La Playa experienced stunting, whereas all seven juveniles measured from El Cementerio experienced stunting.  Although stunting was more consistent in the later sample, several individuals from La Playa experienced greater degrees of growth delay, perhaps indicative of individual susceptibility or prolonged exposure to biological stressors.  Comparisons of juvenile stature between the samples display a similar trend in which most juveniles from La Playa (apart from the most severely a?ected individuals) were consistently taller than their counterparts in the El Cementerio sample.  Our results indicate that early biological stress, likely linked to poor health, impact morbidity, mortality, and juvenile stature.


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