The Ethnographic Arena and the Language Games: Methodological Perspectives of Social Anthropology
Published 2021-08-31
- ethnographic arena, language games, lifestyle, Wittgenstein.
How to Cite
The Ethnographic Arena and the Language Games: Methodological Perspectives of Social Anthropology. (2021). Nueva Antropología, 33(93), 107-123.
Anthropological paradigms have changed over time, but the methodological approach tends to be reminiscent of Malinowskians who tend to see otherness under the veil of strangeness. This article presents a different perspective for approaching the estrangement of one's own social problems. For this, the use of the ethnographic arena concept is proposed as a methodological tool to analyze language games and the way in which these can alter a lifestyle. This perspective allows, rather than trying to define social problems, to dissolve the existing ones to be able to reexamine them empirically and theoretically.
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