Beyond the Super Crip. Body Perceptions of Wheelchair Basketball Players from the State of Mexico
Published 2022-01-06
- body, sport, super crip, disability.
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The article presents the conformation of adapted sport and the paradox that this implies: on the one hand, the integration of subjects with disabilities to "normalizing" spaces and, on the other hand, disability as the element that sustains the existence of sport and the Paralympic movement. In this scenario, the super crip sports is a media figure whose message focuses on blurring the difference based on the "overcoming" of disability. Through the ethno- graphic work with the "Diablos" -a wheelchair basketball team- it is recognized that the figure of the super crip is part of the life of these actors; however, inhabiting the court entails the reappropriation and recognition of the corporeal mosaic that shapes the group.
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