Adultez forzada: vidas cuesta arriba


  • Minor Mora-Salas
  • Orlandina de Oliveira


biographic narrative, transition to adulthood, turning points, impoverishment, youths.


We study the life trajectory of a group of impoverished working-class youths, during the present century, to understand how the overdue assumption of family responsibilities or their survival agency lead to a compelled transition to adult life, which we call ‘compelled adulthood’. We focus the analysis on two polar types to identify the triggering factors of this phenomenon, the ways it unfolds and its effects on the life chances of these young people. We highlight the high costs that life experience imposes on youths who has faced severe hardship since their childhood and how they thrive to cope with.


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How to Cite

Mora-Salas, M., & de Oliveira, O. (2023). Adultez forzada: vidas cuesta arriba. Nueva Antropología, 35(96), 10–32. Retrieved from