
La Serie monográfica SAS-INAH “Cuadernos de Arqueología de sitios subacuáticos y marítimos de México” busca presentar un panorama general de los contextos arqueológicos sumergidos en aguas marinas y continentales de México, a partir de los proyectos y trabajos más destacados desarrollados por la Subdirección de Arqueología Subacuática-INAH. La idea es hacer visible, a un público amplio y diverso, la diversidad de geografías, contextos, culturas, materiales y actores relacionados con la historia de México desde su ámbito acuático, al tiempo de difundir su patrimonio sumergido a través de una perspectiva original, atractiva y accesible.

Current IssueVol 1, No 5 (2023): Media Luna, a sacred spring in San Luis Potosí

Published March 3, 2023

Issue Description

Media Luna and its surroundings were frequented by groups of the Rio Verde Culture, settled in the region between 250 and 1100 AD. The analysis of materials located inside the spring demonstrates it was used as a ritual space. The current Media Luna Archaeological Project, directed by Pamela Lara Tufiño, has studied the geological formation of the spring to learn about its changes over time. Areas on land and water have been surveyed, finding ceramic figurines and vessel remains. Likewise, an underwater excavation was carried out that resulted in the discovery of the skull of a female individual and of a skeleton belonging to a sub-adult woman, found on one of the walls. Finally, more than 400 figurines stored in private collections and state museums have been recorded.


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