No. 14 (2019): Imaginarios de la muerte

La muerte en la guerra: una forma de protección ritual entre los guerreros nahuas del siglo XV

Omar Rashid Yassin Álvarez
Posgrado en Historia y Etnohistoria, ENAH

Published 2022-09-23


  • Ritual,
  • Warriors,
  • Death,
  • Worldview,
  • Codices

How to Cite

La muerte en la guerra: una forma de protección ritual entre los guerreros nahuas del siglo XV. (2022). Vita Brevis, 14, 20-27.


Death is a complicated process, which has a series of sociocultural implications, with a form of mythicalritual expression in the great diversity of human groups, that are capable of being analyzed from symbolic anthropology and ethnohistory, among other disciplines. Thus, ritual is considered an expression of traditional knowledge, the implementation of magical and religious knowledge, therefore, this work aims to present an example of a protection ritual performed by the 15th century Nahuas warriors, located in sheet 18 of the FejérváryMayer codex. The method of analysis is Galarza, since it allows a glyphic interpretation at different levels, which lead to establishing a paradigm of the composition of the sheet, global reading. This reading will be compared with the analyzes of Doctors Jansen, Anders and Reyes García, in addition to Dr. Miguel LeónPortilla, highlighting the common elements to emphasize their own observations. In this way, the analyzed ritual can be placed in a specific place, in the great and complex framework of the Nahua worldview.


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