No. 14 (2019): Imaginarios de la muerte

Incienso, cempaxúchitl y velas. Las ofrendas de Día de Muertos en el valle de Texmelucan, Puebla

Alma Delia Flores Delgado
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Published 2022-09-23


  • First offering,
  • Rituals,
  • Family,
  • Organization,
  • Community

How to Cite

Incienso, cempaxúchitl y velas. Las ofrendas de Día de Muertos en el valle de Texmelucan, Puebla. (2022). Vita Brevis, 14, 69-77.


In the Texmelucan valley, located in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, Puebla, the funeral cycle contemplates three main moments; the first refers to the rituals of the deceased, the second the first offering and the third the end of the year. The Texmelucan Valley is made up of several communities near San Martin Texmelucan, which is located north of the city of Puebla; these communities share a vision of the world, which is reflected in the funeral rituals that are carried out, in this case the elaboration of offerings for the day of the dead and whose purpose is to feed the deceased for their visit and trip to the afterlife. The rituals of all saints are made up of various symbolic and material elements that reflect daily community life.


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