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Author Guidelines


  • The extension of the text depends on the section to be published:
    • Projects and activities 5 to 10 pages, including the list of references, notes, and footnotes.
    • Memory 10 pages, including the list of references, notes, and footnotes.
    • Daily life conservation 10 pages, including the list of references, notes, and footnotes.
    • Get to know INAH 10 pages, including the list of references, notes, and footnotes.
    • News max 5 pages
  • Abstract (150 to 200 words).
  • Keywords (3 to 7 keywords).
  • All images must be sent separately (maximum 14) in *.jpg or *.tiff format with a resolution of 300 dpi. The images should be numbered in a consecutive manner, with a title and credits. The exact location in the text should be shown inserting (Figure 1). The caption for the images should be inserted in the text, as the next example: Figure 1. Detail of the Virgin Mary altarpiece. Image. Christian Chávez González Ó CNCPC INAH, 2017.



  • Justify the text, using the font Calibri (11 points), with a line spacing of 1.15 points.
  • The first subtitles will go in bold (lowercase); they should not be numbered. The second subtitles will go in italic bold and third subtitles in italics.
  • Institutions will be named fully only the first time, using the acronym in parentheses: e.g. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM).


Footnotes and quotes in the text

  • Footnotes, when required, will be placed at the bottom of the page, justified, using font Calibri (9 points), using a single line spacing. The numbering will be consecutive.
  • Quotations will be presented as follows:
    • Up to three lines, between quotation marks and placing the reference at the end (Author, year: page number) Examples: (Cruz, 2002: 45), (Cruz, 2002: 45-46), (Cruz, 2002: 45, 67), (Cruz, 2002: 45; Jiménez, 2004: 79; McLeod, 2007: 225-226).
    • Quotations with an extension longer than three lines, will be placed with an indentation of 1.5 cm on each side, without quotation marks; font Calibri (11 points and in italics), and single line spacing. [Any additions from the author inside the quotation will be placed between brackets].



At the end of the text, in alphabetical order, with the next format.


  • National Archives

Full name of National Archive, Citry, Coountry.


  • Book

Surname, First Name (year) [year of first edition] Title of the book, vol. X, trad. Name Surname, City, Editorial.


  • Article o chapter of a book

Last Name, First Name (year) "Title of the article", in First Name Last Name First Name (eds.), Title of the book, City, Editorial, pp. 1-10.


  • Article from a journal

Surname, Name (year) "Title of the article", Title of the journal, volume (number): 1-10.


  • Thesis

Surname, Name (year) Title of the thesis, thesis of ..., City, University.

  • Unpublished document

Surname, Name (year) Title of the document [unpublished document], City, Institution.


  • Electronic book

Surname, Name (year) Title of the electronic book, City, Editorial [electronic document], available in: <website link> [accesed on Month day, year].


  • Article of electronic magazine

Surname, Name (year) "Title of the article", Title of the electronic journal [online], volume (number): pp-pp, available in: <website link> [accesed on Month day, year].


  • PDF

Surname, Name (year) Document title [pdf], available in: <website link> [accessed on Month day, year].


  • Website

Author (s) or source (year) Title of the consulted section or of the website [online], available in: <website link> [accessed on Month day, year].


  • Blog

Surname, Name (year) Title of the blog article [blog], date of the article, available at: <website link> [accessed on Month day, year].


  • Video

Author (s) (year) Title of the video [online video], available in: <website link> [accessed on Month day, year].


Entrevistas y conferencias

  • Interview

Interviewer's name (year) Interview with Name Surname on Month day.


  • Conference

Surname, Name (year) Title, conference given on name of the event, City, Country, Month day.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Justify the text, using the font Calibri (11 points), with a line spacing of 1.15 points.
  • All images will be received separately, maximum 14 for the text content and 1 vertical photo for the cover. They must have a resolution of 300 dpi and a minimum size of 1.5MB.
  • The summary and keywords in Spanish and English are included in the text.
  • The location and credit of figures, tables or graphs must be indicated in the body of the text.

Proyectos y actividades

In the section Projects and Activities, articles on cultural heritage conservation projects are presented, carried out by conservators, researchers or related professionals. This section will be submitted to a process of opinion (peer review).


The Memory section highlights the specialized document collections of the CNCPC, uncovering conservation and research projects carried out in the past. It will also open the space to make visible other relevant document collections. This section will be submitted to a process of opinion (peer review). 

Conservación en la vida cotidiana

The section Conservation for daily life contains brief notes on recurrent questions of preventive conservation. This section will be submitted to a process of opinion (peer review). 

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Última actualización: 02 septiembre de 2019