No. 13-14 (2017)
Proyectos y actividades

Experiencias de participación comunitaria para la difusión de la conservación del patrimonio arqueológico en la zona arqueológica de Ek Balam

Alejandra Alonso Olvera
Coordinación Nacional de Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural, INAH.

Published 2018-09-25


  • community,
  • social participation,
  • archeological heritage

How to Cite

Experiencias de participación comunitaria para la difusión de la conservación del patrimonio arqueológico en la zona arqueológica de Ek Balam. (2018). CR. Conservación Y Restauración, 13-14, 307-321.


The goal of this article is re ecting on the importance of communicating the role of archaeological conservation in order to create community engagement. It also discusses current strategies employed in the archaeological site of Ek Balam to promote positive involvement of local communities in conservation, preservation, and diverse uses of archaeological heritage. It also evaluates methods that can be useful to create or change “value” for several stakeholders, such as visitors, tourist agents, local authorities, local residents, and the strategies that help creating a sense of place, social bonding with heritage, and bolstering the link between modern Maya identity to the ancient Maya past represented by the materiality of the archaeological heritage. I re ect on what Appadurai (1996) calls “ethnolandscape” as the human group that constitutes the changing world, and Parks (2010) concept of “archaeolandscape” to explain the interaction between the physical and ideological levels overlapping in past and present conditions, interacting with different communities, and how creating agency may contribute in developing community engagement and appropriation.


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