No. Especial (2020)
Proyectos y actividades

Retos y realidades ante la pandemia de COVID-19, la conservación del patrimonio cultural en exposiciones internacionales

Frida Montes de Oca Fiol
Coordinación Nacional de Museos y Exposiciones-Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
Itzia Naidee Villicaña Gerónimo
Coordinación Nacional de Museos y Exposiciones-Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia

Published 2021-07-08


  • COVID-19,
  • pandemic,
  • temporary exhibitions INAH,
  • new normality in museums,
  • curier or comisaries,
  • cultural communication between countries
  • ...More

How to Cite

Retos y realidades ante la pandemia de COVID-19, la conservación del patrimonio cultural en exposiciones internacionales. (2021). CR. Conservación Y Restauración, Especial, 137-150.


Since the COVID-19 pandemic, things have changed in all aspects. This article mentions the difficulties we face and the changes to continue having international exhibitions safe for all such the heritage and the personnel involved. Currently there is the possibility that couriers cannot enter other countries with the collections due to the sanitary restrictions. We know now more than ever that the collections, the curatorial scripts, the transfers and gathering of the collections, the planning and the number of specialists working at the same time in the installation and dismantling of the exhibitions will have to be controlled, and that will make the exhibitions more expensive and difficult to organize. International exhibitions are that important link that generates cultural relations between countries, expressions that approach the population that cannot travel to other countries, and especially now, with the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus. We should not give up and we will have to adapt to a “new reality”. 


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