No. Especial (2020)
Proyectos y actividades

Patrimonio cultural y virtualidad en los museos: apuntes de una reflexión en tiempos de COVID-19

Rubén Páez-Kano
Escuela de Conservación y Restauración de Occidente
Regina Dorantes Aguilar
Escuela Nacional de Conservación y Restauración de Occidente

Published 2021-07-08


  • museums,
  • cultural heritage,
  • virtual media,
  • intersectional perspective,
  • COVID-19,
  • democratization,
  • inclusion,
  • diversity,
  • identity
  • ...More

How to Cite

Patrimonio cultural y virtualidad en los museos: apuntes de una reflexión en tiempos de COVID-19. (2021). CR. Conservación Y Restauración, Especial, 151-160.


The review of the concept of cultural heritage and museum institutions constitutes the basis for the reflections presented here. For this reason, it has been necessary to address some historical-cultural references that bring us closer to their understanding by treating some practical attitudes adopted by cultural institutions from confinement to control COVID-19 infections. The trajectory of the processes of patrimonialization of cultural assets delineate the current cultural sector affected by the health crisis, which requires adaptation strategies that respond to the needs of a society temporarily subordinate to virtual media. The discussion about how accessible electronic media is is carried out through an approach to democratization, inclusion, polyphony and intersectionality that questions the effectiveness of the dynamics of information compatibility and recognition of communities and individuals that cultural institutions are applying. The current moment opens the opportunity to propose some ideas aimed at the participation of the public-user in the construction of museological discourses and the search for new exhibition spaces that represent, for example, interesting alternatives that involve the participation of various social actors in the face of new dynamics of adaptation, communication and understanding. 


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