No. Especial (2020)
Proyectos y actividades

"Volveremos a abrazarnos". Estrategias participativas desde el arte contemporáneo para propiciar el reencuentro en el museo

David Israel García Corona
Museo Universitario del Chopo

Published 2021-07-08


  • experience,
  • interaction,
  • contemporary art conservation,
  • sanitizing,
  • exncounter,
  • dialog,
  • Museo Universitario del Chopo
  • ...More

How to Cite

"Volveremos a abrazarnos". Estrategias participativas desde el arte contemporáneo para propiciar el reencuentro en el museo. (2021). CR. Conservación Y Restauración, Especial, 171-180.


The author elaborates on the importance of maintaining and promoting the museum as a physical space based on the corporate experiences it encourages. This experience of the body into museal spaces is fundamental for the appropriation of contents and the development of a transcendental experience. The new sanity requirements to avoid infections into the museum should not mean the emotional distance nor the fade of sensitive affection of people through the interaction with the exhibited works. From his experience as boss of the Register and Conservation Department of the Museo Universitario del Chopo of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, the author centres the discussion on some of the art works exhibited in the last five years, in order to propose new strategies of interaction which attend the international health recommendations of sanity and the material conservation of art pieces, promoting transcendental experiences between the objects and the audiences, but most important, in order to maintain the museum as a place of dialog, gathering and reflection between people in healthy spaces. 


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