Tres lustros de docencia con base en el pensamiento crítico centrado en el alumno. La experiencia del Seminario Taller de Restauración de Papel y Documentos Gráficos de la ECRO


  • Lucrecia E. Vélez Kaiser Escuela de Conservación y Restauración de Occidente


métodos de enseñanza, aprendizaje, desarrollo de habilidades, competencias, profesionalización, pensamiento reflexivo


The training of professionals in conservation-restoration has always had ambitious expectations, since it considers that, in addition to having manual skills, knowledge of various scientific disciplines must be acquired to argue and support decisions with judgment and discernment. In professional training, a change in the paradigm is necessary, to focus it on the student, which in addition to instructing them, will promote their abilities and skills, and unleash the passion for cultural heritage. More than three decades ago, in the Workshop Seminar on Restoration of Paper and Graphic Documents (STRPDG) of the Escuela de Conservación y Restauración de Occidente (ECRO), the challenge of focusing training on the student was accepted and perhaps now it can be considered for the rest of the educational institutions that train professional restorers. It is possible that, when new professionals are integrated into working life in institutions that safeguard documentary heritage, the results obtained by the type of training proposed here will allow to establish new ways of approaching heritage and, with it, achieve an impact on society, becoming agents that transform both the materiality and the values and meanings of the documents to which they apply their work. 


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How to Cite

Vélez Kaiser, L. E. (2021). Tres lustros de docencia con base en el pensamiento crítico centrado en el alumno. La experiencia del Seminario Taller de Restauración de Papel y Documentos Gráficos de la ECRO. CR. Conservación Y Restauración, (21), 120–127. Retrieved from



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