Núm. 8 (2016)

Reseña de la charla impartida por Jo Kirby “16th Century. Painting materials and techniques. Low countries and Spain”, 22 y 23 de febrero 2016, IIE-UNAM

Magdalena Rojas Vences

Publicado 2018-05-23

Cómo citar

Reseña de la charla impartida por Jo Kirby “16th Century. Painting materials and techniques. Low countries and Spain”, 22 y 23 de febrero 2016, IIE-UNAM. (2018). CR. Conservación Y Restauración, 8, 59-60. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/cr/article/view/12019


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  1. Berger, G. y Russel, W., 2000. Conservation of paintings. Research & Innovations. Londres: Archetype.
  2. Kirby, Jo, Van Bommel, M. y Verheceken, A., 2014. Natural Colorants for Dyeing and Lake Pigments. Practical recipies and their historical sources. Londres: Archetype Publications.
  3. Leonard, M., 2004. Issues in the conservation of paintings. Los Angeles: Getty Publications.
  4. Schmidt, Sibylle, 1990. Examination of paintings treated by Pettenkofer`s process, Cleaning, retouching and coatings. Technology and Practice for Easel Paintings and Polychrome Sculpture, p. 81-84, Brussels