Published 2013-06-15
- academic experience,
- education,
- professional development,
- international congress
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This article focuses on the authors’ participation in the
24th Biannual IIC Congress as an extracurricular professional
and educational experience. It describes the background, preparations and nomination process for attending this scholarly forum, to further examinethe experienceand
impressions regarding the congress, both as participants and as winners of the 2012 Student Poster Prize. A self-assessment exercise and critique on academic topics are conducted: the education received in Mexico, the participation of Mexican students in international forums, the perspective on the development of the discipline in the country, the importance of going deeper into the decision-making process and the relevance of scholarly projectsas
potential subjects to be presented in academic international platforms.
- Almaraz Reyes, Mariana, Ana Lanzagorta Cumming y Emmanuel
- Lara Barrera
- “The Conservation Process: Revitalizing a Collection
- of Hand Fans”, contribución al congreso "Conservation and
- the Applied Arts" del IIC, documento electrónico disponible
- en [], consultado
- en octubre de 2012.
- Cather, Sharon, Austin Nevin, Joyce H. Townsend, Marika
- Spring, Jo Kirby, Dinah Eastop (eds.)
- Contributions to the Vienna Congress: The Decorative, Conservation and the Applied Arts, Londres, IIC.
- Curiel, Gustavo
- “Customs, conventions and daily rituals among the elites of New Spain: The evidence from material culture”, en
- Héctor Rivero Borrell (ed.), The Grandeur of Viceregal Mexico: Treasures from the Museo Franz Mayer, México y Houston, Museo Franz Mayer/The Museum of Fine Arts.
- Eastop, Dinah, Anna E. Búlow y Agnes W. Brokerhof
- “Design, digitization, discovery: Enhancing collection
- quality”, Studies in Conservation 57:96-102.
- González Tirado, Carolusa
- “El tzauhtli: mucílago de orquídeas. Obtención, usos y caracterización”, tesis de licenciatura en restauración, México, ENCRyM-INAH.
- Lara Barrera, Emmanuel, Lourdes Noemí Nava Jiménez, María Eugenia Desirée Buentello García, Ana Lanzagorta Cumming, Ana Julia Poncelis Gutiérrez y Rebeca Rosendo Corona
- “Importancia y desarrollo del pensamiento crítico
- durante el proceso de formación en la licenciatura en
- restauración”, en Yúmari Pérez Ramos y Guadalupe de la
- Torre Villalpando (comps.), Memorias del 4º Foro Académico, México, ENCRyM-INAH.
- Medina-González, Isabel
- “Hacia un nuevo centro de gravedad: el proceso de
- toma de decisiones en la definición y formación de conservadores-restauradores profesionales”, Conserva, Revista del Centro Nacional de Conservación y Restauración 16:5-15.
- Román Torres, Lorena, Abner Gutiérrez Ramos, Nicolás Gutiérrez Zepeda, Lilia Félix Ramírez León y Miguel Soto Arenas
- “El tzauhtli y su aplicación a la restauración: la experiencia del mosaico de plumas Cristo Salvador del Mundo”, mecanoescrito, México, ENCRyM-INAH.
- Staniforth, Sarah y Helen Lloyd
- “Use it or lose it: The opportunities and challenges of
- bringing historic places to life”, Studies in Conservation 57:286-294.