Experiencias emocionales en jugadoras de rugby


  • Brenda Perea Estrada


Sport, emotions, gender, rugby.


This article analyzes the emotional experiences that the players of Tlacuaches Rugby Club, a representative team of the National School of Anthropology and History (ENAH), experience when they are going through various social and gender issues that occur when practicing a sport that is perceived as violent and unsuitable for women. It is of interest to highlight how they experience happiness, guilt, fear, confidence, frustration, and courage and under what context these feelings are produced. Finally, the work presented reflects on the inequalities experienced in female sports practice and the processes involved in the construction of subjec- tivities associated with gender and sport, based on the reconstruction of testimonies, inter- views and casual dialogues with the practitioners of this sport in the ENAH.


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How to Cite

Perea Estrada, B. . (2022). Experiencias emocionales en jugadoras de rugby. Nueva Antropología, 34(94), 66–86. Retrieved from https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/nuevaantropologia/article/view/17491