Publicado 2019-12-12
Palabras clave
- World Heritage,
- Youth Forum,
- Emerging Professionals,
- capacity-building,
- paradigm shift
Cómo citar
International cultural heritage conservation instigated by UNESCO has had multiple paradigm shifts since its establishment, changing from fabric-focused conservation to a more people-centered approach involving multiple communities. There are numerous researches on the significance of involving communities in cultural heritage conservation. This paper, however, looks specifically at the young heritage experts and their capacity-building programs introduced by two international institutes ?UNESCO and ICOMOS? which has not been discussed in today’s research. The author has had experiences in participating in the World Heritage Youth Forums organized by UNESCO World Heritage Center in 2015, and is a current member of the Emerging Professional Working Group in Japan ICOMOS. This paper is based on her observations and experiences as a participant in multiple international forums and it aims to report a preliminary summary on how international organizations, related to cultural heritage conservation, are starting to put effort in capacity-building of young professionals and its pros and cons.
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