In pursuit of the conservation of natural history collections. Training experiences with Latin American specialists

Publicado 2019-12-12
Palabras clave
- natural history collections,
- taxidermy,
- cultural and natural heritage,
- conservation
Cómo citar
My interest in the conservation of natural history collections was born during my professional training at the Escuela Nacional de Conservación Restauración y Museografía (ENCRyM). As a conservator and restorer of cultural heritage, I had the interest to expand my knowledge in this field, taking extracurricular courses in other countries (Argentina and Cuba). These academic experiences in other Latin American countries allowed me to get a deeper knowledge in the study of the preparation techniques and conservation processes in taxidermy, as well as the diversity and structure of the natural history collections, taking an emphasis on their conservation and intervention techniques. I had the opportunity to share experiences with other specialists who dedicate their lives to the conservation of this kind of patrimony, as well as to reflect about the extent of information the conservation field has to offer.
- Aragón, Santiago (2012) “Las colecciones universitarias de historia natural: un recurso docente de permanente actualidad”, in Juan F. Beltrán, Mercedes Conradi, Juan J. Gutiérrez and Margarita Rodríguez (eds.) Nuevos estándares en la innovación docente en Historia Natural, Actas del I Congreso Internacional de Innovación Docente Universitaria en Historia Natural, Seville, Universidad de Sevilla.
- García, Nayla (2018) Tema VII. Las colecciones de historia natural como parte del patrimonio natural y cultural de la nación, clase teórica en el marco del Curso de Procedimientos Curatoriales para Colecciones de Historia Natural, Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática, Havana, Cuba, june.