No. 13-14 (2017)
Proyectos y actividades

Técnica pictórica en El Tajín

Dulce María Grimaldi Sierra
Coordinación Nacional de Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural, INAH.
Jesús Alfonso Osorio Martínez
Coordinación Nacional de Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural, INAH.

Published 2018-09-24

How to Cite

Técnica pictórica en El Tajín. (2018). CR. Conservación Y Restauración, 13-14, 252-264.


As part of an ongoing Proyecto de conservación e investigación de la pintura mural y otros acabados arquitectónicos de la zona de monumentos arqueológicos de El Tajín, Veracruz research is being carried out on the use of color and the pictorial technique of Building I and Building 11. This research seeks to contribute to the knowledge of the paintings and therefore help to highlight its values and provide information for decision making regarding their conservation. The Buildings I and 11 are the ones at the site that preserve the most representative amount of mural painting and whose characteristics are a re ection of aesthetics and religion in El Tajín. The document sets out the results of an ongoing investigation that has been developed combining documentary analysis with macro and microscopic on site observation, on site colorimetry, as well as instrumental analysis of samples from the wall paintings. The results show similarities in the use of materials between Buildings I and 11 but that application technique presents subtle differences. On the other hand, it was noticed an accurate production technique where the different colors were obtained based on blends between colors, blends between color and preparation layer, or due to overlapping layers.


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