El 13o UNESCO Chair International Training Course on Disaster Risk Management of Urban Cultural Heritage como una herramienta para el desarrollo de capacidades y la reducción del riesgo de desastres para patrimonio cultural
Published 2019-06-06
- disasters,
- risks,
- heritage at risk,
- international training course,
- disaster risk management
- capacity building ...More
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Disasters originated by natural and man-made hazards are one of the main obstacles for the growth of global economy, and for the attainment of the sustainable development goals. Up to recent years, the approaches for disaster risk management worldwide used to ignore the role of cultural heritage for society before, during and after emergency situations, focusing largely in economic, infrastructure, demography and ecological issues. It is clear that cultural heritage most be included as a key factor in the disaster risk management strategies. Therefore, one of the main measures for the prevention, mitigation and reduction of risk, is the capacity building and development among different groups of stakeholders. The UNESCO Chair International Training Course on Disaster Risk Management of Urban Cultural Heritage offered by the Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage in the city of Kyoto, Japan, is an important mechanism for the implementation of this principles worldwide. This paper describes the course and makes a brief analysis of the latest edition.
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