No. 19 (2019)
Proyectos y actividades

“Somos lo que Conservamos”. La interpretación temática: un recuento personal

Luz de Lourdes Herbert Pesquera
Coordinación Nacional de Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural, INAH

Published 2020-12-04


  • thematic interpretatio,
  • meaningful dissemination of knowledge,
  • conservation culture,
  • Garra de Jaguar,
  • Calakmul,
  • gender asymetry
  • ...More

How to Cite

“Somos lo que Conservamos”. La interpretación temática: un recuento personal. (2020). CR. Conservación Y Restauración, 19, 73-86.


This paper is an opportunity to make available to the readers a brief synthesis, in the form of a personal reflection, of my Master’s thesis in Museum Studies El museo y la promoción de la responsabilidad ciudadana en la conservación del patrimonio arqueológico; caso de estudio: ajuar funerario de “Garra de Jaguar”, mujer y niño, Museo Arqueológico Fuerte de San Miguel, Campeche, México, and to invite them to read it. I present its theoretical foundation, which were in the process of being developed at the time: the so-called “Thematic interpretation, Mexican style”, a communication strategy centered on visitors, that aims to make heritage values meaningful, in order to promote a culture of conservation, and which was applied to the study case. I highlight the mixture of methodologies employed to elaborate the resulting interpretation product: the short video “Sin hilo no hay tejido” (“Without thread there is no loom”); and narrate how the product was evaluated.


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