Restauración de una obra en soporte papel mediante la implementación y adaptación de materiales y métodos japoneses. Estudio de caso: restauración del plano del río Sinú
Published 2023-06-19
- Soporte, técnica gráfica, conservación, restauración, deterioro, tratamientos.
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In this article it’s been described the restoration process of a work on paper, that is part of the historical map library which watch over of the Archivo General de la Nación of Colombia- AGN. Processes carried out by the Grupo de Conservación y Restauración del Patrimonio Documental-through the implementation and adaptation of the techniques and materials- that are the results of the knowledge gained in the Paper International Conservation Course in Latin America, in which the AGN had the chance to participate in 2016.
The knowledge, instructions and teachings learned in the mentioned course have been shared and put into practice by the entity’s work team- this has allowed us to reinforce our know-how in favor of the Colombian documental heritage conservation. Starting from the implementation of new techniques and materials, at the AGN we have been optimizing the traditional processes on graphic and documentary goods – being more aware of our work- and advance increasingly efficient processes on documentary heritage. Aspects that besides, we have seen materialized in the reasonable management of resources and intervention time.
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- Grupo de Conservación y Restauración del Patrimonio Documental (2020) Procedimiento de Conservación y Restauración. AAD-PR-05. AGN. [pdf], disponible en: < MISIONALES/ADMINISTRACION%20DEL%20ACERVO%20DOCUMENTAL/PROCEDIMIENTOS/AAD-PR-05%20 CONSERVACI%C3%93N%20Y%20RESTAURACI%C3%93N.pdf> [consultado el 29 de enero de 2020].
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