No. 23 (2021)
Proyectos y actividades

La restauración del patrimonio cultural en entornos rurales: un proyecto educativo integrador

Valle Blasco Pérez
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Alejandra Navarro Quiles
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Published 2022-06-15


  • conservation,
  • restoration,
  • rural heritage,
  • depopulation,
  • empty Spain

How to Cite

La restauración del patrimonio cultural en entornos rurales: un proyecto educativo integrador . (2022). CR. Conservación Y Restauración, 23, 53-64.


The rural heritage is the great forgotten of the cultural heritage sets of humanity, perhaps because of all that the rural entails: isolation, difficulties, lack of basic services, etcetera. However, the cultural richness that it drags, perhaps because it has remained less contaminated by the rapid changes that have always affected urban areas, is a representation of the history, thought and evolution of populations with their cultural manifestations, rites, knowledge, trades and natural environments that have survived to this day to teach us a lesson. For this reason, many years ago the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) began a project aimed at the comprehensive recovery of movable and immovable cultural property by destination in a rural area that for some time, as a result of a famous publication, it has been called “empty Spain”, because Spain, although it sounds strange to us, is a largely uninhabited country. 


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  2. Blasco Pérez, Valle (2019) “El patrimonio rural eclesiástico y su conservación sin uso en el antiguo señorío de Molina de Aragón (Guadalajara)”, Revista PH (98): 375-376.
  3. Blasco Pérez, Valle, y Navarro Quiles, Alejandra (2020) “La recuperación del patrimonio rural como experiencia de aprendizaje en restauración de bienes culturales”, en Conference Proceedings CIVAE 2020, Madrid, MusicoGuia, pp. 136-140.
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