Sociodicies on the web: psycho, bio and necropolitics, as cultural discourses in the digital society Carlos Alberto Guerrero Torrentera 15-39 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
Media exoticism. : Notes on pre-Hispanic Heavy Metal in Mexico Stephen Castillo Bernal 41-72 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
Images of the Present: cultural mutations and new subjectivities: Anthropology, mass media and psychoanalysis Francisco De la Peña 73-98 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
Narcoseries and role relocation: Druglords ascurrent heroes versus corrupted States as villains Celina Daniela Muñoz Cruz 99-136 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
Media landscapes of the Oaxacan Mixteca: images for an ethnic future Norma Angelica Bautista Santiago 137-163 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
Mediations on the prehispanic past of Mexico Jorge Saúl Alonso López Escalera 165-188 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
Digital Representations of Parque México. An Approach Manuel Antonio Trejo Uribe 189-213 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
The digital meme as a political tool in Mexico Karina Juárez Morales 215-238 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
The house in the cinematographic imaginary: An approach from the anthropological regard Barut Cruz Cortés 239-262 XML (Spanish) PDF (Spanish)
Women, water and titanium mining in Soconusco, Chiapas Verónica Vázquez García, Eusebio Peña Godínez 265-287 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
A catalog of stereoscopic views sold by two photographic companies Silvana Berenice Valencia Pulido 311-339 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)
Antropología de las dichas cotidianas Guadalupe Raquel Hernández Bohorquez 349-352 PDF (Spanish) XML (Spanish)