No. 3 (2017): Antropología e historia de los pueblos originarios de Sonora (Cuarta época)

The reutilization of a burial ground in Trincheras, Sonora

Silvia Ivet Nava Maldonado
Centro INAH Sonora
Carlos Cruz Guzmán
Centro INAH Sonora

Published 2017-12-19


  • Tradición Trincheras,
  • inhumaciones infantiles,
  • ritos funerarios,
  • Trincheras Tradition,
  • children inhumation,
  • funeral rite
  • ...More

How to Cite

The reutilization of a burial ground in Trincheras, Sonora. (2017). Diario De Campo, 3, 103-111.


Researches of burial practices regarding the Trincheras Tradition have contributed to broaden the existing knowledge of the Pre-Hispanic societies located in Sonora. Recently, on the site named Loma de las Cremaciones, some archaeological findings led to the identification of an historic funeral variant: three child burials were discovered in the same area that Pre-Hispanic cremations took place.


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