Tracing the Evolution Regarding the Linguistic Circumstances of the Four Main Languages of the Mexican State of Guerrero
Published 2017-12-19
- vitalidad sociolingüística,
- tendencias,
- extinción lingüística,
- expansión,
- índice
- reemplazo etnolingüístico,
- sociolinguistic vitality,
- trends,
- language extinction,
- expansion,
- ethnolinguistic replacement,
- index ...More
How to Cite
Tracing the Evolution Regarding the Linguistic Circumstances of the Four Main Languages of the Mexican State of Guerrero. (2017). Diario De Campo, 3, 179-188. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/diariodecampo/article/view/13328
This paper deals with the linguistic situation of the four main languages of the state of Guerrero in Mexico: Amuzgo, Mixtec, Nahuatl and Tlapaneco, and includes statistics and predictions on the extinction and/or expansion of these languages in the state.
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