The Yaquis’ Route from Sonora to Yucatán: a Proposal of a Historical-Biological Identification
Published 2020-04-01
- Yaquis,
- Yucatán,
- henequen haciendas,
- bioarchaeology
How to Cite
The Yaquis’ Route from Sonora to Yucatán: a Proposal of a Historical-Biological Identification. (2020). Diario De Campo, 6, 26-37. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/diariodecampo/article/view/15594
At the end of the 19th century, Mexico’s government, under Porfirio Díaz, crushed the Yaqui uprising by deporting the rebels to Yucatan, where they were employed as laborers on agricultural estates. In this article we propose to recover part of the history of some of these people, based on the study of their skeletal remains, found in a coconut plantation on the coast of Yucatán.
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