No. 6 (2018): Population genetics and genomics as anthropological studies tools in Mexico

Population genetics and genomics in Mexico. Where are we and where are we going? Interview with Héctor Rangel Villalobos

Raúl Cuauhtémoc Baptista Rosas
University Center of Tonala, University of Guadalajara

Published 2020-04-13

How to Cite

Population genetics and genomics in Mexico. Where are we and where are we going? Interview with Héctor Rangel Villalobos. (2020). Diario De Campo, 6, 82-83.


Dr. Héctor Rangel Villalobos is a research professor at the Centro Universitario de la Ciénega, University of Guadalajara. He is the director of the Institute for Research in Molecular Genetics. He was delegate of our country to the Latin American Society of Forensic Genetics and secretary of the Hispano-Portuguese Group of the International Society of Forensic Genetics. His main lines of research are molecular anthropology and forensic genetics. In order to have a general perspective of the advances and problems faced by the development of population genetics and genomics, in this issue of Diario de Campo we asked five simple questions to a leading researcher in this field of research in our country. We hope that this brief interview reveals the panorama faced by the use of technological tools obtained from genomic sciences and molecular genetics for the anthropological study of contemporary and past Mexico.


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