Peritajes antropológicos
Expert Opinion in Anthropological Sciences for the Community of San Ildefonso Chantepec, Tepeji del Río, Hidalgo
Published 2021-10-12
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Expert Opinion in Anthropological Sciences for the Community of San Ildefonso Chantepec, Tepeji del Río, Hidalgo. (2021). Diario De Campo, 8-9, 238 a 245.
The article in this section presents the case of the residents of the community of San Ildefonso Chantepec, Hidalgo, who in 2009 filed a lawsuit before the state authorities to be recognized as an indigenous community and exercise their cultural rights. This expert opinion was prepared by members of PNERIM, which shows that the anthropological research generated in the Program has been relevant in the field of defense of culture and the territory of indigenous peoples.Downloads
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