Profesión: bailarín de ballet. Experiencias en el proceso de producción de la danza escénica Tanya García López 10-30 PDF (Spanish)
Perceiving Bodies. Experiences of Contemporary Dance Spectators in Mexico City María de Lourdes Fernández Serratos 31-50 PDF (Spanish)
Butoh Ritual Mexicano, A.C., A Performative Practice for Therapeutic Purposes María Cristina Mendoza Bernal 51-65 PDF (Spanish)
Judas Burning, Current Carnival Rituals in Mexico City Abraham Domínguez Madrigal 66-86 PDF (Spanish)
Representation, Performativity and Presence. An Essential Dialogue in the Light of the Migrant Experience Joselin Barja Coria 87-104 PDF (Spanish)
Between Opportunity and Oppression: Life Experiences of University Rarámuri Students Ana María de Guadalupe Arras Vota, Damián Aarón Porras Flores, Addy Anchondo Aguilar 105-124 PDF (Spanish)
Analysis of Shame: Stigma, Classroom Discrimination and Self-Esteem Natalia Edith Tenorio Tovar 125-143 PDF (Spanish)
Saúl Millán, Desde el punto de vista del comensal. Cocina y ritual en el México indígena, México, ENAH-INAH, 2019, 97 pp. Charlynne Curiel 144-146 PDF (Spanish)
Instituto Andrea Wolf de la Academia Jineoloji, Matar y transformar al hombre dominante, Rojava, IAWAJ, 2021, 62 pp. Jorge Alonso 147-150 PDF (Spanish)