Learnings and reflections from the professional internship at the Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties in 2014

Publicado 2023-06-19
Palabras clave
- paper conservation,
- professional internship,
- Japanese materials, tools and mounting techniques,
- Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties
Cómo citar
In 2014, I had the opportunity to attend a professional internship of almost four months at the Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties (TNRICP) and the Shugo Conservation Studio. Some of the knowledge gained from that experience is shown in the first section of the article, focusing on washi (Japanese paper), shinnori (wheat starch pasteadhesive), and karibari-ita (panel or board for pasting temporarily). In addition, some fundamental points are mentioned for the understanding and knowledge of each one. In the second part, a reflection is made on work dynamics observed within the Shugo Conservation Studio. It is hoped that the reflections and lessons shown in this article will be of help to the readers and that it will encourage them to learn more about Japanese mounting techniques, materials, and tools, as well as their works of art and culture.
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