Dissemination and training activities from the International Course on Paper Conservation in Latin America: Meeting East


  • Sonia Merizalde
  • Ana Laura Masiello Ministerio de Cultura de la Nación
  • María Toninetti Unidad Fiscal AMIA, Ministerio Público Fiscal
  • Richard Francisco Solís Museo de Química y Farmacia Profesor César Leyton de la Universidad de Chile
  • Adriana Gómez Llorente Biblioteca Nacional de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Dara Araceli Valencia Hernández Archivo General de la Nación de México
  • Ina Hergert Museu Paulista, Universidad de Sao Paulo

Palabras clave:

dissemination knowledge, courses and training, paper conservation


This article aims to share the experiences of the dissemination and knowledge transfer activities carried out by participants of different editions of the International Course on Paper Conservation in Latin America: Meeting East, given in Mexico between 2012 and 2019. It also aims to share the reflections generated from the group exchange on various aspects related to the planning and implementation of the activities carried out by each participant. These reflections include the personal motivations that led us to carry out these activities, the challenges and difficulties faced along the way, the reasons that led us to decide on the chosen topics, the response of the participants, and the results obtained during these experiences.


Los datos de descargas todavía no están disponibles.


Becerra, Javiera (2016) Intervención de contenedores secundario de fármacos de materialidad papel, tesis de tecnicatura en conservación y restauración de bienes patrimoniales, Santiago de Chile, Escuela Nacional de Artes Aplicadas.

Hergert, Ina, y Ponce Fernández, Jennifer (2020) “A pre-covid lockdown experience. Ina Hergert and Jeniffer Ponce Fernandez recall the 2019 International Course on Paper Conservation in Latin America: Meeting East”, Icon News [online] (91): 27-29, available in: <https://www.icon.org.uk/resource/iconnews-91-december-2020- web-pdf.html> [accessed on January 10, 2021].




Cómo citar

Merizalde, S., Masiello, A. L., Toninetti, M., Solís, R. F., Gómez Llorente, A., Valencia Hernández, D. A., & Hergert, I. (2023). Dissemination and training activities from the International Course on Paper Conservation in Latin America: Meeting East. CR. Conservación Y Restauración, (24), 200–210. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/cr/article/view/19449



Proyectos y actividades