Núm. 24 (2021): Reflexiones y resultados durante el Curso Internacional de Conservación de Papel en América Latina. Un encuentro con Oriente (2012-2019)
Proyectos y actividades

Impact of the International Course on Paper Conservation in Latin America: Meeting East, on the staff training in the project Rescate del Archivo Histórico de Oaxaca staff. Reflections in retrospect

María Fernanda Blázquez Blásquez
B y B Arte y Restauración

Publicado 2023-06-19

Palabras clave

  • archive,
  • historical documents,
  • conservation,
  • restoration,
  • adhesives,
  • starch,
  • liningreagent,
  • Japanese conservation technique,
  • Oaxaca
  • ...Más

Cómo citar

Impact of the International Course on Paper Conservation in Latin America: Meeting East, on the staff training in the project Rescate del Archivo Histórico de Oaxaca staff. Reflections in retrospect. (2023). CR. Conservación Y Restauración, 24, 224-234. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/cr/article/view/19451


As a result of a project to recover historical archives within the country, it was deemed necessary to train staff hired without prior knowledge or experience in this type of work, to have technicians in conservation who could provide longterm continuity to the work of document preservation. The project lasted six years, which gave a wide temporary margin to train both in the introductory aspects of cultural heritage awareness, as well as in advanced aspects of conservation, especially to open up the possibility to share and put into practice on a large scale the knowledge obtained in the International Course on Paper Conservation in Latin America: Meeting East of which the author attended in 2013 while being the coordinator of the project. Thanks to a collaboration between public and private initiatives, after six years the archive established its own identity, thus providing continuity to the work while ensuring a definitive hiring model for the staff, the investment of time in training, and the experience acquired over the years have been able to bear fruit.


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