Núm. 24 (2021): Reflexiones y resultados durante el Curso Internacional de Conservación de Papel en América Latina. Un encuentro con Oriente (2012-2019)
Proyectos y actividades

Application and adaptation of Japanese materials, tools, and techniques in Argentina, Colombia, and Paraguay

Martha Luz Cárdenas González
Archivo General de la Nación de Colombia
Helena Malatesta
Biblioteca y Archivo Central del Congreso Nacional de Paraguay
Marianela Menchi
Centro de Conservación, Catalogación e Investigación de Archivo y Colecciones Bibliográficas Especiales de Tarea- Instituto de Investigaciones sobre el Patrimonio Cultural de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Publicado 2023-06-19

Palabras clave

  • materials,
  • tools,
  • suppliers,
  • adaptation,
  • application,
  • restoration,
  • Japanese techniques
  • ...Más

Cómo citar

Application and adaptation of Japanese materials, tools, and techniques in Argentina, Colombia, and Paraguay. (2023). CR. Conservación Y Restauración, 24, 245-252. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/cr/article/view/19466


Argentina, Colombia, and Paraguay have particular realities and conditions that extend to their institutions in charge of safeguarding cultural heritage. When returning to our institutions after participating in the International Course on Paper Conservation in Latin America: Meeting the East, in its 2016 and 2019 editions, respectively, we applied the knowledge and techniques learned—starting with the training of our work teams, the adjustment of the spaces (workshops and laboratories), the purchase of specific materials and supplies, among others. Below we will present some results we have obtained with applying this knowledge and experiences with traditional Japanese and Latin American restoration techniques and how to approach the work from the criteria and ethics of the discipline of restoration.


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  1. Gear, Florencia (2007) La naturaleza del washi y su uso en conservación, conferencia en Las rutas del papel en el Río de la Plata. Primeras Jornadas Internacionales CAHIP, Buenos Aires, April, 12-13, Argentina.
  2. Huxtable, Merryl, y Webber, Pauline (1987) “Some adaptations of oriental techniques and materials used in the prints and drawings conservation department of the Victoria and Albert Museum”, The Paper Conservator, 11 (1): 46-57, available at: <https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03094227.1987.9638545> [accessed on March 13, 2021].
  3. Matsumaru, Mito (2016) Paste-making tips with two recipes [blog], 20 de octubre, available at: [accessed on March 13, 2021].
  4. Rampton, Amelia (2005) Almidón de la casaba y almidón de trigo: estudio comparativo para su uso en conservación del papel [pdf], available at: <https://www.ge-iic.com/files/2congresoGE/Almidon_de_la_casaba_y_de_trigo. pdf> [accessed on March 13, 2021].
  5. Wills, Paul, y Pickwoad, Nicholas (1985) Hyogu: The Japanese Tradition in Picture Conservation, London, Institute of Paper Conservation, (Paper Conservator, 9).
  6. ??????????????????(2017) Edo Hake [video en línea], available at: [accessed on March 13, 2021].