Publicado 2023-06-19
Palabras clave
- adhesives,
- weath starch,
- methyl cellulose,
- hydroxypropyl cellulose,
- gelatin B
- paper conservation ...Más
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This paper describes the experiences of panelists and attendees of the online seminar entitled Experiences and
reflections of the International Course Paper Conservation in Latin America. Meeting East 2012-2019. The experiences
of the five members of the thematic session on adhesives and participants from the 2012 to 2019 courses are integrated.
The appropriation and application of the use of adhesives implemented for the conservation and restoration of heritage
paper-based assets in local, regional and heritage realities are discussed. Being members of different editions allows us
to expose the knowledge we had and complement it, this dynamic occurred both when participating in the course and at
the discussion of the thematic table. The experience of participating in both events led us to have different views on the
subject, which is reflected in a before and after in the preparation and use and possibilities of adhesives.
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