When meaning happens: A methodological look at narrative and cosmology within a Nahua community in the Sierra Norte de Puebla
Published 2018-04-30
- etnografía,
- Pahuatlán,
- Puebla,
- narrativa,
- cosmología
- dueños,
- itekome,
- nahuas,
- Cultura náhuatl,
- ethnography,
- narrative,
- cosmology,
- Dueños,
- Itekome,
- Nahuas ...More
How to Cite
When meaning happens: A methodological look at narrative and cosmology within a Nahua community in the Sierra Norte de Puebla. (2018). Diario De Campo, 4, 113-125. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/diariodecampo/article/view/13342
Based on three ethnographic cases stemming from field work among the Nahuas of Pahuatlán, Puebla, this article reflects on the study of narrative and cosmology on the subject of the Dueños or Itekome in Nahuatl. Based on contexts of enunciation, it attempts to give an account of how meaning and the implementation of ethnographic knowledge emerges.
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