Parhaquahpeni, the Back of the World. Approach to the Ritual and Social Vision of the Tarascans in the 16th Century
Published 2021-06-01
- Worldview,
- Tarascan,
- human body,
- social organization,
- prehispanic architecture
- Michoacan archeology ...More
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We will analyze from archeological and historical point of view one of the few images that emerged about the creation of the Tarascan pre-Hispanic world. We observe its expression both in architecture and in social relations. We relate the different elements of the built of ritual space (yacatas and platforms) with the representation of the world as a “human back”. We proclaim that this part of the body served to represent the extension from which everything that inhabits the earth is created, as well as the surface that carries and sustains social relations. We observe how, based on different metaphors, the highest value of Tarascan society expressed: service and reciprocity between men and their relationship with the gods.
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