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Book Review: Reencuentro con el argonauta. Malinowski and the challenges of contemporary anthropology, by Alejandro Vázquez
Published 2021-10-12
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Book Review: Reencuentro con el argonauta. Malinowski and the challenges of contemporary anthropology, by Alejandro Vázquez. (2021). Diario De Campo, 8-9, 283 a 285.
This review of the book Reencuentro con el argonauta, written by Alejandro Vázquez and commented on by Luis Ernesto Ibarra, examines the heritage of the one who has been considered the founder of modern ethnography: Bronislaw Malinowski. Briefly, the author makes a journey through the historical context, the field work and the contributions of the famous Polish anthropologist, and his impact on the contemporary notion of ethnography.
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- Va?zquez, Alejandro (2017). Reencuentro con el argonauta. Malinowsky y los desafi?os de la antropolgi?a contempora?nea. Me?xico: Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro