No. 11 (2020): Cultural pluralism and linguistic policies

Cultural pluralism and language policies

Julio Alfonso Pérez Luna
Dirección de Lingüística, INAH
Héctor Manuel Enríquez Andrade
Dirección de Lingüística, INAH
Pedro Ovando Vázquez
Coordinación Nacional de Antropología

Published 2023-09-20


  • cultural pluralism,
  • language policies,
  • indigenous lenguages,
  • indigenous people,
  • linguistic diversity


This issue of Diario de Campo is dedicated to cultural pluralism and language policies in México, a topic perhaps more notorious after the International Year of Indigenous Languages happened in 2019 and, later, the International Decade of Indigenous Languages ( 2022-2032). In this issue of the journal, the core section is made up of nine articles that address various issues facing indigenous languages today: loss-revitalization-maintenance, education, artistic creation, and access to justice among them. All of them, in one way or another, have to do with the need for language policies that are sensitive and appropriate to the different realities experienced by native communities.


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