Heritability of Obesity in Northeastern Mexico: A Study Based on Dyad (Mother-Child) Body Mass Index


  • Ricardo M. Cerda-Flores Autonomous University of Nuevo León, Faculty of Nursing. Biostatistics and Population Genetics Laboratory
  • Andrés Figueroa University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Department of Computer Science
  • Hugo Leonid Gallardo-Blanco Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Genetics


Heritability, Obesity, Homogeneity, México


The aim of this quantitative genetic study was to estimate heritability (h2) of BMI in 2840 mother-child pairs to know if h2 values differ among five states of northeastern Mexico. The total h2 found among states was 51.6% and no significant differences were found among them (X2 = 5.24, p = 0.26). In conclusion, from a genetic epidemiology point of view, genome wide scan association studies can be carried out to find candidate genes in any of these Mexican populations not only for obesity (OB), but also other multifactorial diseases.


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How to Cite

Cerda-Flores, R. M., Figueroa, A. ., & Gallardo-Blanco, H. L. . (2020). Heritability of Obesity in Northeastern Mexico: A Study Based on Dyad (Mother-Child) Body Mass Index. Diario De Campo, (6), 38–45. Retrieved from https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/diariodecampo/article/view/15596