Hostile terrain. Mexico City through the eyes decadent


  • José Mariano Leyva Direction of Historical Studies (DEH) National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH)


At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries occurred combination suggestive in this regard. The "decadent" writers called those clustered around the Revista Moderna (1902-1911), took by assault the metropolis and placed as a character in literature. It was a lively Mexico City and seemed strong. Porfirio Díaz the city began to experience many changes as never before in the nineteenth century. Urban extensions, new buildings, the renovation of others. For its part, the decadent writers were experimenting with the literary vanguard of time. Modernity was the common denominator of the decadent and this city of Mexico. But this modernity was also full of cracks. The coincidence of the origin of the enthusiasm of some and the literary movement of others was France.


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<p><span>Los artículos que componen el presente número de DIARIO DE CAMPO, titulado <strong>Cultura urbana del siglo XX</strong>, tienen en común su exploración de las ideas y prácticas que durante el siglo pasado confluyeron para producir nuestra cultura actual. Su concepción de la historiografía es dinámica: aquí la acción de los sujetos sociales se ve como parte de un proceso continuo que no se detiene ante el pasado inmediato ni descarta las fuentes de la llamada cultura popular, incluyendo la observación, la oralidad, la prensa, la fotografía, la arquitectura, el cine, la literatura y el grafiti.</span></p><p><strong>Portada</strong>: José Antonio Rojas Loa, Calle de Santo Tomás, entre República de El Salvador y Ramón Corona. Esta fotografía forma parte del proyecto “<strong>Zona central de la ciudad de México, 1923-2011</strong>”.</p>



How to Cite

Leyva, J. M. (2014). Hostile terrain. Mexico City through the eyes decadent. Diario De Campo, (13), 4–8. Retrieved from