Pre-Hispanic ceremonial centers (mitote patios) in Southern SinaloaAbstract Luis Alfonso Grave Tirado 31-59 PDF (Spanish)
Linguistics loanwords latent between the Mayan language and Spanish in four texts of the 16th Century in Yucatan Raúl Arístides Pérez Aguilar 61-91 PDF (Spanish)
Representing and re-signifying social space. The case of Los reyes del pueblo que no existe Alicia Vargas Amésquita, Mauricio Diaz Calderón 93-110 PDF (Spanish)
Between light and envy: Approaches to the world of the M?fi Daniela Peña Salinas, Carlos Arturo Hernández Dávila 111-131 PDF (Spanish)
Ocha or Cuban Santería: bibliographicdialogues of some fundamental concepts Indira Mones Guevara 133-157 PDF (Spanish)
Ethnicity and Afrodescendants among Anthropology Students in Mexico Alejandra A. Ramírez López, Belem Quezada Díaz 159-179 PDF (Spanish)
Confined towns, spontaneous autonomy? : Sanitary roadblocks in Yucatan during the COVID-19 outbreak Inés Isabel Cortés Campos 181-213 PDF (Spanish)
Repugnance, disgust, anger, hate: pandemic of emotions Anna María Fernández Poncela 215-239 PDF (Spanish)
Control social y pánico moral. Las turbas linchadoras en el México posrevolucionario Octavio Spindola Zago 249-254 PDF (Spanish)