Published 2017-07-11
- cultural rights,
- culture,
- legislation,
- diversity,
- State
How to Cite
Cultural rights: Diversity within the framework of a nation-state. (2017). Diario De Campo, 1, 99-110.
Cultural rights encompass collective liberties: over symbolic and sacred territories, shared ownership of knowledge, freedom of expression; they require the recognition of material and symbolic manifestations of various ethnic groups. The author urges to recognize that this property (collective, ancestral and immaterial) is above the legal-economic prescriptions of the neoliberal State, and the economic forces that it supports, and articulates the urgency and details that have to be considered in order to provide legal specificity to cultural assets and define them at a constitutional level.
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- Observatorio de la Diversidad y los Derechos Culturales (2007). Declaración de Friburgo sobre los derechos culturales. Friburgo: UNESCO.
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