No. 4 (2018): Cultura alimentaria, cocinas y patrimonio (Cuarta época)

Silenced experiences: Brief notes on Afro-Mexican cuisine

Giobanna Buenahora
Maestra en Estudios Latinoamericanos (unam), integrante de la Red Mexicana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Género (Red Mexciteg) y Premio Nacional a las Cocinas Tradicionales de Colombia, 2007, otorgado por el Ministerio de Cultura de Colombia

Published 2018-04-30


  • mujeres,
  • afromexicanas,
  • patrimonio gastronómico,
  • identidades,
  • Afro-Mexican women,
  • gastronomic heritage,
  • identities
  • ...More

How to Cite

Silenced experiences: Brief notes on Afro-Mexican cuisine. (2018). Diario De Campo, 4, 74-85.


This text is a preliminary approach to Afro-Mexican cuisine as a field of knowledge; it was carried out based on a bibliographic review of academic and research materials, and is not the result of fieldwork. The objective is to investigate the role of Afro-Mexican women in shaping Mexican cuisine, thinking about how the politics of memory are reconfigured to insert the culinary heritage of peoples descended from Africans into our present, understood as a place of memory fundamental in the representations and resistance of African peoples.


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