No 11 (2020): Cultural pluralism and linguistic policies
Issue Description
This issue of Diario de Campo is dedicated to cultural pluralism and linguistic policies in Mexico –a multicultural country in which 68 linguistic groupings and more than 360 variants are recognized–, and is part of the “International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022-2032)”, declared by the General Assembly of the United Nations as an initiative to call the conscience of countries and their governments, to preserve, revitalize and disseminate the rich legacy of native languages, many of which are at high risk of disappearance. The excellent set of papers compiled in the journal, address various issues facing indigenous languages today: loss and revitalization, education, artistic creation, access to justice, documentation of native languages, among others. Thus, the works that we present in this edition call our attention to the need to have sensitive and adequate linguistic policies to the different realities that native communities live, and in this sense, contribute to the recognition and protection of linguistic diversity.